Why choose photovoltaic power?

We take care of everything
Guaranteed for 10 years
Installation prices on the decrease
Direct electricity savings
Improved energy performance

Depuis plus de 10 ans
nous donnons le meilleur de nous même.

Dans le secteur du photovoltaïque, c'est l'entreprise Jany Gofflot qui dispose de la plus grande expérience.
Jany Gofflot propose des produits et un service de qualité.
Son caractère familiale et sa croissance raisonnable lui a toujours permis de se projeter sur le long terme pour ses clients.

Faites connaissance avec notre équipe

Les plusde l'entreprise Jany Gofflot

Our guarantees

Parts and labour
guaranteed for 10 years

Performance of panels
guaranteed for 25 years

Our applications to monitor your installation

Fast, reliable after-sales service / troubleshooting

We take prompt action
on all installations


And above all...

We are a
local, stable family business

How do we workwith you?

Initial visit:

We pay you a visit to assess the technical feasibility of the installation.


Study of consumption to estimate the size of your installation.


A detailed offer is promptly sent to you.

Study and certificates

If the project concerns an industrial facility, we request a detailed ORES study and reservation of green certificates.


Once the offer is validated, work commences. Time taken: 1 to 3 days.

Receipt of installation

by approved organisations & connection request


of the installation and full warranty for 10 years.